Raworths LLP
I hate my business partner – what can I legally do? I hate my business partner – what can I legally do?

Legal Articles

Jan 23

I hate my business partner – what can I legally do?

Business partnerships are like any other relationship.  There needs to be trust, commitment, an understanding as to respective roles and a shared vision. Unfortunately, business relationships can fall apart just...


Jan 23

What employers need to know about hidden disabilities

Have you ever spotted someone wearing a lanyard with a sunflower as a means of indicating that they have a non-visible disability (also known as a hidden or invisible disability)?...


Dec 22

My fellow shareholders disagree with my views – what can I do?

For a business to grow and prosper, it is vital that the people at the helm get on and have a shared vision about key issues of strategic importance. Where...


Dec 22

Disaster planning for businesses – what to do if the worst happens

An emergency can arise from many foreseen and unforeseen situations, the most common being fire, flood, explosions, vehicle impact and spillages. Serious damage to business premises can inflict long term...


Nov 22

The agreement is signed but it contains an error – what can I do?

If you have entered a business contract which does not, with the benefit of hindsight, accurately reflect the terms that were discussed, or which contains a fundamental error or misunderstanding,...


Nov 22

How easy is it to challenge a will based upon lack of mental capacity?

Following the death of a loved one, additional upset can be caused by a challenge to the validity of the will by a disappointed beneficiary on the basis that the...


Aug 22

Negotiating a senior executive package

Recruiting the right senior executive can be an immense benefit to a company if they bring the right mix of skills, experience, and contacts to the business. It is not...


Apr 22

No Fault Divorce – update from 6 April 2022

Having recently had the opportunity to watch the BBC drama “The Split” I found that it highlighted the concerns that many family lawyers have had for a number of years,...


Mar 22

“I’ve been left a gift in a Will – but I don’t want it”

It might not be often you hear those words but that’s exactly what Rhona said on Emmerdale on Monday (28 February 2022). Upon hearing that her abusive deceased ex-husband Pierce...


Dec 21

Can I find out why I have been disinherited?

When a good friend, relative or loved one passes away, it is not uncommon for many to contemplate what decisions the Deceased may have made as to the ultimate destination...


Aug 21

The Top 10 Most Seen Disputes Relating to Wills

Jonathan Mortimer, Consultant Partner at Raworths, lists the most frequently seen disputes relating to wills and the administration of estates based upon his experience in the field. The top 10...


Jun 21

Is it worth paying for a private Financial Dispute Resolution?

For most people, (particularly those without children), one of the most important stages of a separation is the financial settlement. When managed badly it can fuel acrimony and dispute, cause...


Jan 21

How to manage your personal belongings in your will

Should have put a name on it!   How to manage your personal belongings in your will When preparing your Will you might not have considered who your personal belongings (also known...


Jun 20

Providing for your pets The Aristocats way!

I’m spending lockdown with a toddler which means constantly being on the go and coming up with ways to entertain him. We’re trying to make lots of nice memories as...


Apr 20

Changes to the Intestacy Provisions – the consequences of not making a Will

The ‘Intestacy Provisions’ are a set of rules which set out how your estate will be divided amongst your relatives if you die without making a Will. These rules essentially...


Feb 20

Are you buying, selling or leasing a commercial property? Get the ‘Heads of Terms’ right!

If you’re involved in a commercial property transaction then it’s advisable to have proper Heads of Terms (HOTS) in place from the outset. These documents are important in that they...


Jan 20

Future Proofing your Mental Capacity

Mental capacity is in the news a lot, whether it’s a discussion about our ageing population or an increase in people living with dementia. But is there anything you can...


Nov 19

The law of unintended consequences – the dangers of online and homemade wills

Almost every week we see people who have put off making their wills for years, often with the belief that their family can sort everything out upon their death. Unfortunately,...


Nov 19

Your Relationship Status and Your Will

Have you ever considered how your relationship status affects your will? Marriage, separation, divorce and reconciliation all have an impact on your final wishes and can have unexpected consequences that...